Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs

With a production budget of $25 million, the makers loja of Blue Planet: Seas of preco Life crafted this david attenborough epic story of loja life on Earth. Five Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs years in production, with over 2,000 days in the field, using 40 cameramen filming across venda 200 locations, and shot entirely escritor in high definition, david attenborough Planet Earth is venda an unparalleled portrait of Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs the "third rock from the sun." This stunning television experience captures rare action in impossible preco locations and presents intimate moments submarino with our planet´s david attenborough best-loved, wildest, and preco most elusive creatures. Employing Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs a revolutionary new aerial photography system, the series captures animal behavior that has never before escritor been seen on film. The autor series features high-definition david attenborough footage from outer escritor space to offer a Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs brand-new perspective on wonders such as the Himalayas and the Amazon River. From the highest submarino mountains to the deepest rivers, barato this blockbuster series david attenborough takes you on submarino an unforgettable journey through Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs the daily struggle for survival in Earth´s most extreme habitats. Planet Earth goes places viewers autor have never seen before, to premiado experience new sights david attenborough and sounds. The autor set contains the original Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs U.K. broadcast version, including 90 minutes of footage not aired on the Discovery Channel´s U.S. barato telecasts, and features narration by sucesso natural history icon david attenborough David Attenborough. The barato standard edition also features Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs 110 minutes of behind-the-scenes footage -- one 10-minute segment for each episode, and Planet Earth premiado - The Future, a three-part, gratis two-and-a-half-hour look at david attenborough the possible fate premiado of endangered animals, habitats, Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs and humanity. Following the environmental issues raised by Planet Earth, this feature explores why so sucesso many species are threatened and promoção how they can david attenborough be protected in sucesso the future.
- Original U.K. Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs broadcast version narrated by David Attenborough, including 90 minutes not shown on the Discovery Channel;
- gratis High-definition 1080p;
- HD DVD-25.

Título Original: loja Planet Earth: The david attenborough Complete Series
Tempo: 550 gratis minutos
Cor: Colorido
Ano de Lançamento: Planet Earth: The Complete BBC Series [HD-DVD]- Importado - 4 DVDs 2007
Recomendação: livre
Região do DVD: Região 1
Legenda: Inglês, Francês, Espanhol
Idiomas / Sistema de Som:
Inglês - Dolby promoção Digital 5.1
Formatos de Tela: Widescreen
Pais venda de Origem: EUA

david attenborough

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